Saturday, April 14, 2018

Spouse dicing the course at the 2017 Santa Claus Grand Prix Mountain Bike Race in Tehachapi, CA!

Just Dropping a Photo or Two 


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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

"More Creature Features...!"

(Random Snaps)

"...Backyard Critter Sightings #2..."

Maybe it's the warm weather, or just me being in
the right place at the right time...whatever it was,
it brought the critters to my yard for documentation!!
...Mr. Roadrunner appeared on the back wall after
several years of absence...he stopped to preen
long enough for me to catch a glamour pose!
...a beautiful blue tailed Western Skink stayed
in one spot long enough for me to grab my camera
and catch his picture! For so long I've seen a
tiny 3-4" illusive flash of blue spaghetti noodle 
slip between the cracks of the wall...always leaving
me to wonder what it was that I saw...????
This beauty, measuring around 8" from nose to tail,
answered all those questions for me!
...this is why I now wear close toed shoes while
tending to the BBQ in the evening hours!...I decided
to bring the flash light out for a closer
look at things...and I thought crickets
were the only evening inhabitants on our
back patio...!!!! He measured only around
2" in length...but a scorpion will always
be a scorpion!!!
"Happy Critter Sightings!"

Friday, May 8, 2015

"Creature Features......"

...Critter Footage #1...

and random outing

...sweet "Bun Bun"...where did you
come from?! It's been 2 years now, and
you're still up on the hill, waiting
so patiently for your apple snacks...
Sometimes running down the steep
embankment, out of nowhere when
I call you, like a scene pulled
from "The Sound Of Music"...

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"Spooky Creature Found In The Mountains.....!!!"

Massive Larva Monster...
Crosses Mountain Biker's Path...!!
...while enjoying a pleasant Sunday afternoon
mountain bike ride under a single tiny cloud dotted
 brilliant blue sky...
...a selfie snap was taken in front of the lone
surviving cedar and oak tree at the Mill Creek 
Fire Road saddle crest...this once being a beautifully
shaded ride with massive fur and cedar trees,
the entire area was sadly burned to a crisp a little
over 5 years ago...the little cedar, the oak and
a small handful of trees are all that remain at
the saddle.
...continuing on in the direction
of the trail marker another mile
or so,...
...then enjoying a quick break...
...and a couple of quick vanity snaps
at the turn-around point, little did
we know we would soon be encountering...
...a massive 3" long Larva Grub Monster
...laying upside down in the sun and exposed to the elements,
it first appeared to be an albino rattlesnake's rattles...
but with a little turning and gentle prodding, it moved
with life and an insect like head appeared at one end...
...what was this creature we had stumbled onto?!!
...we moved it to the shade and placed it safely
under a large chip of bark to metamorphose...
hopefully we assisted a healthy and robust forest
insect to survive and not some alien creature that   
crash landed in the woods on the back of a meteorite
to spawn and take over the earth...!!
...Time will only tell...!!
"Happy Out-door Adventuring!"

Saturday, April 11, 2015

"...Don't Ignore That Inner Voice...."

...It Might Have Something Important To Say...

A bit of time has been taken to get over
running a marathon almost 6 months ago...
...almost too much time...
~ much time that registration for
that very marathon has begun once again.
Where did all that time go? I promised
myself this time that I would remain focused...
  my attention would not turn to digging in the
garden or working on art projects...I would
continue my training through winter and
work on a faster finish time...
...but those last 18 miles of the 2014 St. George
Marathon changed my enthusiasm...the sour
stomach and digestive cramps that came on
after mile 8, were something I had
never experienced in all the
months of training...I never thought I would be
facing something like that during the actual race...
I had to shut it all out and try to ignore
through it and just focus on the finish stomach
took me away from taking in all the beautiful
scenery and ambiance of this beautiful race...
It was not fun.
...crossing the finish line, my race experience
woes cast everything in a different light.
My usual sunshine I find at the finish line
 was now covered by a little black cloud. 
 ...the magical beauty of
this race I had experienced in the 4 prior
I had run, seemed to fade...I just wanted to
find the car and head home...the 5 hour drive
back across the desert gave me time to think...
...maybe a year off would be a good thing...
...I was content with my decision...riding my
mountain bike and focusing on other things, no plan
to run the marathon this fall...
...but maybe I should just check in on the registration
website to see what it looks like this year...the
wonderful candid photos from last year's race flashing
in and out..."Wouldn't that be something to be in one
of those select few photos?"...I've always
wishfully thought how neat that would be to be in
one of those special photos...since 2006.
Of the thousands and thousands of runners, and
the thousands of photos snapped during the race,
what is the likelihood of that?!?..
"If a picture of me pops
up, I can't opt out...I have to sign up 
for this year's race!" I thought to myself...
...and no sooner did I say those exact words...
~ photo wish was granted!!
Happy Running!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

"...The Desert Is A Beautiful Place....!"

...and camping for 4 days, right smack in the
middle of it, is a great way to experience that
...much time was spent enjoying the vast landscape...

...looking up at the majestic Red Mountain
in all her glory from my pink camp chair...sitting
on the north side of the trailer to shield myself
from the piercing hot sun and 80 degree temperature...
I did a lot of that...with puppy dog in tow... little shadow...
...thinking, reflecting, setting goals and even chalking
the almost forgotten New Years resolutions onto the pages
of my trusty camper sketch mid February!!
...but I truly did find enlightenment! Between the
screaming dirt bikes, churning desert dust while
 circling camp like a swarm of killer bees, and the 
free-for-all dog park our camp mysteriously became...
...legs lifting, marking anything and everything
in chairs...RV rims...
fancy woven camp rugs... times, a chaotic three ring desert circus show...
...yet through the chaos, inspiration prevailed...
for a moment, a brief vision passed through my image of my new Hooka One One 
running shoes and Nathan hydration vest...both,
back to back birthday gifts, barely used,
put away and sitting lonely in a closet back home.
~ I need a "real" goal and challenge for this
impending big "50" countdown that has begun...
   ...approximately a year and one half of time to
play around with and prepare for something that
makes life special and exciting to live...
...not just another birthday dinner at "The Olive Garden"
or "Black Angus" tragic and horribly
lack-luster that would be...
...Let the Journey Begin!!

Friday, October 24, 2014

"Savior Snacks and Other Sustenance...."

"Mmmm...and they're tasty, too!"

Here are some fun food items to enjoy
on your next long trail run, hike or
mountain bike adventure!
Who would've ever imagined a delicious
pasta salad could be enjoyed 20 miles
out in the middle of nowhere (??!!) refrigeration
required, and as easy to open as 1-2-3!!
St. Dalfour's, Gourmet On The Go,
Ready To Eat Pasta Salad in a can!!
This wonderful little gem will be a true delight
to pull out of your pack when you reach the 20 mile 
turn around point on your next outdoor adventure...
...included is a tiny fork and salt packet
for seasoning and bringing those depleted sodium
levels up for the trek back to the car!
...delectably delicious!!
...several different flavors are available
and can be found
at "Sprouts" and "Whole Foods".
...another wonderful find from the "Sprouts"
cookie/granola bar etc. isle,
that is all natural, loaded with flavor and
completely Gluten Free!!
"Betty Lous Gluten Free Fruit Bars".
Available in a variety of delicious flavors,
this little tasty treat will not disappoint!
...with 41 grams of carbohydrates, this
2"x 2" cookie square delivers a nice punch to
the taste buds and to the carb reserves
as well!
"Farro and Barley" 
...a nice change to eating pasta...
...these instant, ready in 10 minutes, varieties
 are from Trader Joes. Look at the carbohydrate
content for a simple 1/2 cup serving...perfect
for sustaining those crucial glycogen levels!!
Happy Running!